Effective SEO Made Simple With Bablab

Boost your site's visibility with Bablab's powerful SEO tools – complex tasks simplified, real results delivered.

Bablab websites powerful SEO in action

Optimized Page SEO

With Bablab, you can set unique SEO metadata for every page. This customization increases your search engine visibility, enhances social media engagement, and improves browser tab displays.

Bablab websites branded sharing on social networks

Custom URLs for Every Page

Bablab ensures that all pages have clean, static URLs. These URLs are optimized for search engines and user-friendly. You can customize the URL slugs to match your branding using Bablab’s simple auto-correcting input fields.

Social Media Integration

When your content is shared, it includes the right image, title and description to reinforce your brand and boost interaction.

Speed and High Performance Optimization

Bablab combines speed with visual appeal, featuring responsive design and next-gen image formats, powered by a global CDN for optimal performance.

Advanced Image Formats (WebP)

We serve images in cutting-edge formats like WebP for browsers that support them. These formats provide better compression and quality, improving page load speeds and SEO results. Bablab ensures your site is both visually attractive and technically optimized for modern web standards.

Efficient Image Delivery

Bablab automatically creates multiple sizes of your images, ensuring that each visitor receives the most appropriate version for their device and browser. You can also adjust image quality to balance high resolution with manageable file sizes.

Global CDN for Faster Load Times

Our global Content Delivery Network (CDN) accelerates your website by delivering content from the nearest server to the user, significantly improving load times. Faster websites enhance user experience, increase conversion rates, and receive better rankings from search engines.

Under the Hood

Bablab automatically implements modern technologies for placing images in pages,
here is an example of a gallery image markup:

  • Lazy-loading: images are loaded only when the visitor scrolled to their area.
  • Sizes-loading: adapting loaded images size to the actual required real-estate on page.
  • Modern file formats: providing webp along with jpeg for older browsers.
  • Automatic ALT tags: images alternative text is composed of the data extracted from the image metadata, and can be edited.
  <source type="image/webp"
    srcset="cloud/link/to/small.webp 200w,
            cloud/link/to/medium.webp 500w,
            cloud/link/to/m-large.webp 700w,
            cloud/link/to/large.webp 900w,
            cloud/link/to/e-large.webp 1100w,
            cloud/link/to/full.webp 1400w />
  <source type="image/jpeg"
    srcset="cloud/link/to/small.jpg 200w,
            cloud/link/to/medium.jpg 500w,
            cloud/link/to/m-large.jpg 700w,
            cloud/link/to/large.jpg 900w,
            cloud/link/to/e-large.jpg 1100w,
            cloud/link/to/full.jpg 1400w />
  <img loading="lazy"
    alt="Chef Jose Avillez in his restaurant.
    in Lisbon, Portugal
" />

This saves a lot of time for your visitors, and also dramatically reduces page load time, improving your website rank.

This is how a Bablab website performs on Google's PageSpeed Insights audit:

Bablab website pagespeed result for mobile
Bablab website pagespeed result for desktop

Mobile-Friendly Design

All Bablab websites are responsive and optimized for all devices, including desktops, phones, and tablets. Since a significant portion of internet traffic comes from mobile devices, delivering an excellent mobile experience is crucial for engaging visitors and improving search engine rankings, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites.

Bablab seo mobile fiendly
Bablab website with clean code

Clean Code

Our platform uses tidy HTML markup, making it easier for search engines to index your site. This enhances content discoverability and improves your search engine performance.

Automatic Sitemap Generation

Bablab automatically generates and links sitemap.xml and robots.txt files, ensuring that search engines can effectively index your site.